Archive for March 21, 2008


logo.gifThe voice for children…

Al Jazeera Children is a pan Arabic educational channel, made to teach children about different cultures, and environments, and encourages them to learn.  Al Jazeera Children, gets children to express themselves and communicate their thoughts. 

I really love this site. I thought it was the cutest thing.  Its a great way to help children learn things other then the usual “ABC, 123, red, blue, green,” kind of thing.  I love this site also, because its helping give children a voice.  Thats the saying behind our organization, educating the next generation, because they are the future. So I loved the whole idea of this channel.

They offer shows such as “Lakatat,” which teaches children about Multimedia.  Everything from directing, to music, to game shows, and how to do it all. There is also a show called “Allo Marhaba,” (hello how are you), this show gets children to interact over the phone from all across the globe!  Kids can get involved in quizzes, debates, etc.  They have programing from all age groups, which is great, that way it gets everyone involved.  from I just wish that it had the whole site translated in English, that way I can navigate myself around, instead of just randomly clicking at things.

Visit their site to learn more about them, and their other programing…

I made my own news reporter. =)mynewsreporter.jpg

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